Audio Visual Room

Audio Visual Room Learning

Through Hearing and Viewing – Audio Visual Room
Our school’s teaching philosophy goes beyond classroom education and we ensure that we supplement the theoretical instruction with audio visual aids. To assist us in this effort, our school has a fully equipped Audio Visual Room which simplifies learning through multi-media facilities. Students have access to facts in a more interesting manner and can view presentations based on various subjects and other value based information. Through these aids, the teachers are able to disseminate knowledge via movies, wildlife documentaries, animated videos and talks by well-known and respected personalities that provide an insight into our country’s culture and heritage. These audio visual sessions are highly interactive as the teacher has the capability to pause the recording allowing students to ask questions and take maximum advantage of the learning being imparted.
Facilities in the AV Room
The audio visual room is fitted with state-of-the-art technology. We have a set of knowledgeable and helpful staff that helps to address any issues regarding the working of any equipment and also helps students to set up the learning sessions with the teachers. The room also has wireless and broadband internet convenience.
The audio and projection equipment available are:
Guidelines for Using the AV Room
The AV Room is intended to serve the learning needs of the students in conjunction with the teachers. We expect everyone who uses this facility to respect their fellow students and staff and abide by the rules and guidelines mentioned.
- All equipment must be handled with care and must be switched off when not in use.
- The room must be kept clean and neat at all times.
- Eatables are not permitted.
- The location of the AV Room facilitates silence and it is requested that all be mindful of keeping noise to the minimum especially during session.
- Teachers are required to assess the utility and appropriateness of the material to be shown before it is used.
- The AV Room can be booked online and is available on a first come first serve basis and must have the approval of the teacher in-charge.
- Only tea/coffee and water may be served in this room.
- There must be a teacher present during every session and would be responsible for the conduct of the students.
- Any damage to the equipment and aids would need to paid for by the persons causing the harm.
Our AV Room is spacious and airy and is a learning facility meant to enhance the interest in knowledge and to foster interaction between students and teachers.