Computer Lab

Contemporary Education
Technological advancement has grown at an exponential rate in the past few decades. Modern day living has become completely dependent on technology which has permeated all aspects of our existence. The child of the 21st Century has proverbially been “born to it”. Schools have had to keep abreast with these new trends which have had an important impact on education as well. Integrating technology into the teaching learning process has been a major concern for us.
Making Education Relevant
Computer education became a part of the curriculum barely a decade ago. Initially, the computer was treated like a machine that the students learnt to switch on and off. As the size of the computer became smaller, the amount of information it could store became bigger. The potential of the computer as a disseminator of information is limitless. It has pervaded every facet of our lives. Where once it was just a machine used for calculations, today it is an extension of the books we use for learning.
It has become imperative that computer education periods be inbuilt into the weekly timetables. The school has been investing in state-of-the-art computer labs for the students. We update the technology regularly while also ensuring that the number of computers is enhanced periodically. The students get their fair share of computer time since we make certain that only two students get to work at a terminal.
Making the Students Feel at Home with Technology
Students from kindergarten onwards get their share of the computer time. In the junior classes the computer lab has a multi-faceted function. It is used as a language lab, a math lab and a place where students are exposed to facts beyond their curriculum. Learning how to use computers is more informal, since they are mainly used as a teaching aid.
Class VI onwards, computer education is more formalised and we have seen that the students grasp the basics very quickly since they have been familiarised to its functioning at a very early stage. Although a course of study has been prescribed by the board, the students are way beyond their expected levels.
The computer lab is open to students for projects, research, presentations and assignments. They are allowed to book their time slots for independent work and group study. On most days the lab is a hub of inter-disciplinary activity; its easy accessibility has made study and work interesting and challenging with the students trying to excel.
Learning to Be Responsible Users
The computer lab has a dedicated internet connection and inappropriate sites have been blocked so that unnecessary surfing does not take place. The lab has a committed staff member round the clock, who keeps a watchful eye on the students while they are on the internet. No social networking is allowed by the school.
It may be noted that, while the computer lab is for the benefit of the students, they should also be responsible for their actions. Any student found using unauthorised gadgets/CD’s/pen drives without the permission of their class teachers/co-ordinators or found violating the discipline of the computer lab will be penalised. The Principal has the final authority with regard to any disciplinary action to be taken.